Odd Sock
Sock trembles in the dark, mouldy corner, longing for his fearless Pair. He knows that he is destined for the odd socks pile. Forgotten forever. What will he do? Will he give up, too afraid to search for Pair? Or will he ignore his fears and embark on a life-changing adventure?
A very funny tale of odd sock with fabulous illustrations by Yasemin Ezberci. The hilarious story gives different impressions to each reader. Some see love, some see independence and some see friendship in it.
Written by Donna Hall
Illustrated by Yasemin Ezberci
- 32 pages
- 26 x 26 cm in size
- Enamel paper
- Coated enamel cover
- Age group: 3-6 years
- Barcode: 9786057581495